
Oferta vacances juliol a la casa rural

Oferta per fer vacances el juliol. Volem que vosaltres la gaudiu amb els amics o familiars. La casa rural és per 7 persones, té 3 habitacions amb bany a cada habitació. A més, a l’estiu es pot difrutar de dia i de nit de la gran terrassa. És una gran oportunitat.

Oferta que no es pot deixar escapar! Per 7 nits el preu d’abans era 1.470 euros i ara queda per 1.250 euros, això és més del 15%!! Fes la teva ...

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Solstici d’estiu a la casa rural

Solstici d’estiu és un dia molt especial per donar la benvinguda a l’estiu. És el dia més llarg de l’any i val la pena aprofitar-lo.

A través de la natura, la llum, la música, el joc, les danses i el grup, es podrà fer la connexió amb la puresa de la Natura i l’alegria de Viure.

Efectivament, la música, les danses, els jocs, els vincles, la natura, la vitalitat, l’alegria, l’afectivitat i la pròpia llum, farà que aquest dia sigui ideal per ...

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Route “Tines de Ferreres”

To make a route, sometimes you do not need to find great trips curiosities of our ancestors. 

The route is just minutes from the house Baluard. We can find a rock where there is Les Tines de Ferreres. These excavations in the rock were made to produce wine at the top there are three holes that are bigger, which was supposed grapes and communicated to the three smaller holes understood that he was to ...

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Gastronomy of the Berguedà region

Gastronomy of our region. Berguedà is an area well known and appreciated for our gastronomy. The quality of meat and pulses make an excellent menu for restaurants or shops. When tourists want to do rural tourism they can choose to cook in the rural home or go to a restaurant.

Gastronomy of Berguedà. The relationship obtained between food and the environment itself. In the course of time, our region been known for the quality of our meats. A territory has always ...

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castellers- turisme rural-cultura

Culture of the territory, “els Castellers”

Culture Catalan territory are “els castellers”. A practice, which today has a high symbolic value within Catalan society. It also has international recognition as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Culture and tradition unique in the world. “Els castellers” originated in Valls derivatives called dance Ball de Valencians. A dance that ended with the launch of a tower. The castles held in the main square and usually in times of festivals in the village. Casteller calendar begins in ...

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Relax, space and nature for rural tourism

Relax is what you can get when you have decided to spend a few days in one of our establishments: Baluard, Volta or Cal Cisteller. Space and nature predominates in our environment where you can enjoy the tranquillity.

Relax that we need to make a break from everyday life. Nature allows to enjoying the natural perception of our senses than surrounds. Listen to the birds, feel the air on our face and panoramic view of the ...

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Give a weekend

Give a weekend and many experiences. Live the time to make a gift to the one you love. A weekend in one of our rural houses: Baluard, Volta or Cal Cisteller. It is an idea to be able to express for a moment how much fun it will be to share a weekend.

Give and make happy the people with whom you want to share fun moments. Sometimes, when the holidays and celebrations arrive, you do not know which ...

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Sustainability in the rural house

Sustainability is our way of doing things. Our identity is part of a set of values. In our daily work, we like to maintain and preserve our environment sustainably.

Sustainability involves having to take account of its three main perspectives: socio-cultural, economic and environmental. They are three points that been applied in the past and can be applied over the next years in the rural areas. In the vision, we consider sociocultural traditions of the territory. The ...

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Hen is a rural experience

biberón-experienciaHen is one of the experiences that you can enjoy breakfast in the lodge house. It is an activity hen’s home. Every day in the afternoon, do activity with farm animals. First, prepare a bottle milk for small lambs. Milk should be well water hot. The small lambs they like very milk made by children. After giving the milk, ...

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